So that the results of this study can be used as input or consideration in terms of implementing the main tasks and functions of the lurah in the future in the Kadidi Village, Pancarijang District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. This is expected to provide benefits for the Government, especially in Kadidi Village, Pancarijang District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. and maintenance of infrastructure and public service facilities in the form of irrigation development, with a percentage of 76% still classified as poor. and family planning, with a percentage of 58% classified as poor. as well as social affairs in the form of spiritual (religious) development with a percentage of 82% classified as good, Meanwhile in terms of the implementation of the function of the Lurah, there are several functions that are still not well carried out by the Lurah, namely in terms of community empowerment in the form of posyandu development, with a percentage of 22% classified as not good. The results of this study indicate that the leadership of the lurah in carrying out his main duties and functions, at the level of carrying out the main tasks of the lurah, for example in development affairs in the form of maintaining urban village road facilities with a percentage of 74% is classified as good. The data analysis technique used is quantitative.

The population is 50 people, and the total sample is 50 people. Data research techniques used are surveys, questionnaires and interviews.

The research was carried out in the kelurahan kadidi with the aim of knowing the leadership of the lurah in carrying out his main duties and functions and what factors influence the leadership of the lurah.